Lesson Terms and Agreements

This must be read by all Students or Student’s Guardian.

Hello All!

It has been such a pleasure teaching all of you. I am so grateful our studio has grown to what is is now in the last four years.

Along with teaching vocal technique and building singers confidence I strive to have a professional environment where everyone is respected and treated fairly. Please read through the Terms and Agreements below and please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Late and Cancellation Policy:

-If student is late for their lesson, the lesson time will not be extended to a full 30 minute lesson. The lesson will end at the scheduled time. If I am the reason the lesson did not start on time the lessons will still be a full 30 minute lesson.

-Lessons must be cancelled 24 hours in advance. If lessons are not cancelled 24 hours in advanced the lesson will be charged in full. Lessons can be cancelled 24 hours in advance through the scheduler on my website.


-All payments are done through PayPal at the time of scheduling.

-Lessons are $25 for a 30 minute slot.

Lesson Expectations:

-Parents/Guardians/Friends are welcome to sit in during the students lesson time.

- Supplies needed for lessons are: 3 Ring Binder (Binder will be given to you at your first lesson) with all Sheet Music, Pencil, and Water.  Everything else will be provided in the lesson.

-Students will try their best to inform me what material we will be working on before lesson time. This way we can spend the lesson working on material rather than trying to find sheet music and karaoke tracks. If a student isn’t sure what they want to work on we can determine this during lesson time. I strive for our lesson time to be used efficiently.

-If student is sick they will cancel their lesson or move to a virtual lesson.

Virtual Lesson Setup/Expectations:

-Reach out to me either using the contact page on this website, emailing, or texting me if you’d like to move your lesson time to a virtual lesson. I will send you a link to Zoom from there.

- Supplies needed for lessons are: Device for Zoom/Facebook messenger, device to play karaoke track on, Sheet Music, Pencil, and Water.  

-Students need to be standing during virtual lessons. Set up the camera to maintain perfect singing posture- for example, if student needs to look down or look up to see camera/screen this will break their vocal line and we want to avoid this. Camera needs to remain stationary during lesson.

 Thank you!
